Title: Chrno Crusade
Mangaka: Daisuke Moriyama Gender: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Supernatural.
Volumes / Chapters: 8 volumes, 57 chapters
Ranting: + 15
Synopsis: Year 1928. New York, USA. The economic stability brought forth after the Great War also heightened the presence of something dark and sinister: the demon Aion. The Magdalene convent is an organization that tries to combat this force, two of its exorcists are Rosette Christopher and his helpante, Chrono. Both seem out of place in an organization like this, but they are looking for Rosette's missing brother, Joshua. Their relationships, secrets and destiny can only be revealed over time.
Comment: This manga is good, definitely. His protagonists are brilliant, well exceeding everything together. And not only trapping and hunting demons, but the real conflicts that are involved since the death of Joshua. Besides everyone has a past loaded as if it were a cross, especially in the case of Chrno. I also love that Rosette has a personality so determinedentity in the first chapters that the author was a man (yeah, even I had noticed the mangaka's name when he chose)
+ Chapters:
Beat! 151-152:
At least the mangaka Ren showed me a more "normal" and less "do the same as Sho" this time. Reborn 276 to 277: Battle + Byakuran half enraged + Uni + arcobaleno = / me dies of genius. Amano is great! Included in these chapters interesting things, especially in the 277. I love Amano