Title: The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese
Mangaka: Genre
Mizuhiro Setona : Yaoi / Romance.
Volumes / Chapters : 1 volume, 5 caps + 1 extra
Rating: + 17, I guess
Download : I have not found, but here you can read it online in English. Opinion
without spoilers: It was a long, long time since I read a yaoi that I liked so very much. Do not follow the standards of seme and uke, the picture is beautiful and within the relationship is rarely as I LOVE it and that the reactions within the characters are so believable. I read it after its sequel (below) and to me I read a couple of times both. Cojonudos, I recommend a lot.
Title: The Carp on the Chopping Block Jumps Twice
Mangaka: Setona Mizuhiro
Gender: Yaoi / Romance.
Volumes / Chapters : 1 volume, 4 caps
Rating: + 17
Download : I have not found, but here you can read it online in English. Opinion
without spoilers: Like its prequel, I LOVED IT. To read more or less separately, but is best understood by reading both followed, especially the strange relationship they share and the personal image and Kyoichi, who also gets it. Awesome, awesome, read it now: D